ten years

Ten years ago this summer, I took a massive career risk when I left teaching to become a full-time author.

I only had one book out at the time, with absolutely no idea if my future books would sell, or how many books I would have published. But I refused to let fear prevent me from creating my dream bigger life. Failure was not an option.

And now today, because of you, we have all of this.

Ten years of books by Susane Colasanti

THANK YOU. Thank you for making this life possible. None of this would be possible without my readers, the most dedicated, passionate, caring readers in the world. You are why I write. You are why I keep hope alive every single day.

Whatever your big dream is, don’t let anyone or anything stand in your way from bringing it to life. Never, ever, ever give up.

Much love.


top ten, endless summer edition

How is it the end of August already? Seriously with this? So what you’re telling me is that it will be Thanksgiving three months from now? Directly followed by winter?

I demand a recount.

1. One of the hardest parts of leaving summer behind is saying goodbye to summer fruit. The amount of watermelon I have already eaten is extraordinary. 

I heart watermelon

Then there was the best cantaloupe I’d ever had in my entire life. We got it at a roadside farm stand in New Jersey. It tasted just like growing up in Jersey farmland. And don’t even get me started on the berries. Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries. I will miss you all to pieces.

2. Fortunately for us, there are lots of other treats to savor. Like Sprinkles Ice Cream sundaes. See, first there was Sprinkles Cupcakes, which I finally got to visit for the first time when I was on book tour in Los Angeles in 2010. That was also when I got to meet Wilson from Cast Away (scroll down in the same post for documentation)! Then Sprinkles expanded into ice cream territory. A mad impressive accomplishment, especially considering that they were killing it just with the cupcakes. I like taking some of my old students out for cupcakes once a year. It’s our Friendly Neighbor Reunion. This year our FNR was held at Sprinkles Ice Cream, which is right next door to Sprinkles Cupcakes and the Sprinkles Cupcake ATM. What did I have?

Susane Colasanti with a Sprinkles Ice Cream sundae

Um, yeah. This is a Sprinkles Ice Cream sundae. It’s a cupcake bottom, then ice cream, then the cupcake top and frosting. They also have cookie sundaes and brownie sundaes. The cookies and brownies are broken up into cups. Then you add whatever ice cream and toppings you want. All I’m going to say is this: It’s a good thing Sprinkles is uptown and I live downtown. There is no way I would be able to resist a daily sundae fix if I lived closer.

3. Summer reading freaking rules. Everyone knows this. My summer reading started with Eleanor & Park. Reading that book was like a mental mashup of classic 80s movies highlights plus my most embarrassing dark secrets from high school. Rainbow Rowell’s writing is so beautiful and brilliant and true that I immediately had to go out and buy her other books. I can’t even explain to you how much fun I’m having reading Landline. It’s official. I’m a Rainbow Rowell fangirl.

4. It wouldn’t be summer without experiencing my trifecta of fave old-school down the shore activities on the Point Pleasant boardwalk: Skee-Ball, water ice, and bumper cars.

Susane Colasanti and bumper cars

Am I aware that I am a major dork? Yes. I am totally aware of that. It is ridiculous how excited I get for bumper cars. But I’m not one of those mean riders who enjoys bumping into other cars. I like to swing around the outside in a smooth circle, avoiding the pileups and staying in motion. You could say I’m a bumper car pacifist.

5. One book event highlight of the summer was Beach Bag Book Club on Long Island. This is an annual event I absolutely adore. I’m extremely fortunate to have participated in BBBC for the past few summers. This year I was on a super fun panel with these fabulous authors:

Jennifer E. Smith, Kieran Scott, Susane Colasanti, Elizabeth Eulberg, and Jen Calonita

Here I am surrounded by Jennifer E. Smith, Kieran Scott, Elizabeth Eulberg, and Jen Calonita. These ladies are beyond amazing. Their accomplishments are an inspiration to us all. If you’re looking for more summer reading, I highly recommend everything by these four adorable romance writers.

6. Speaking of book stuff, some fresh interviews were posted this summer. Author Turf interviewed me about inspiration, career building, and advice for aspiring writers. Progressive Radio Network interviewed me in the studio about my inspiration for Now and Forever, why my main motto is Dream Big, and how my personal love life influences my books. The interview starts at 32:55 of the podcast. 

7. Even more book stuff! Remember when I shared some behind-the-scenes photos from the City Love cover shoot? Here’s one more via Margot Wood, who was on the scene:

City Love by Susane Colasanti cover shoot

I heard there were way more people there. The cover shoot took place over two days on a Brooklyn rooftop to capture the dazzling New York City skyline in the background. Book one of the City Love trilogy will be out on April 21, 2015. But the cover should be revealed soon! Please stay tuned for exciting news about the reveal.

8. This summer here in New York was gorgeous. Not crazy hot and humid. August was way more tolerable than usual. That meant lots of dinners outside, epic night walks, and laying out on the sundeck. Temperatures were in the 90s for only 4 days this summer as opposed to the average 18 days. But the summer overall has been two-tenths of a degree warmer than average. Escaping a heat wave made the summer feel cooler, even though it wasn’t. Plus our last four summers ranked in the top ten of hottest summers for this past century. And the Earth experienced its highest temperatures in over a century during this May and June. This concludes the part where I geek out science teacher style. Thanks for listening.

9. Shout-out to Garrison Keillor for celebrating Prairie Home Companion’s 40th anniversary this summer! I have been a massive Prairie Home fan for…wow, almost 20 years. Snaps for Garrison preserving vintage radio show entertainment. Long live PHC.

10. Here’s to epic summer love.

All I Need by Susane Colasanti, National Book Store

 Summer is not over yet, friendly neighbors. Anything is possible ❤

rooftop city love

TGIM, friendly neighbors! I hope your summer has been a spectacular one. Here in New York, we’ve been enjoying happy summer days and romantic summer nights. Including some rooftop city love, soul mate style.

Susane Colasanti and Matt Huntington

Looks like a book cover? It’s actually me and my BF.

Thanks to Jayd Jackson for capturing the magic. Jayd also shot the cover of All I Need, which features a very similar pose. You know how I love a good full-circle moment ❤

seventh annual ginormous contest

TGIM, friendly neighbors! I have some good news for you. My author copies of Now and Forever plus paperbacks of All I Need are in the house. You know what that means.

The Seventh Annual Ginormous Contest is on! And it’s international!

Susane Colasanti with Now and Forever and All I Need

This one’s all about the music. For the Sixth Annual Ginormous Contest last year, you guys dazzled me with your beautiful summer collages. The collage idea was inspired by Seth Katims from All I Need. Seth is an artist who makes collages from repurposed and found objects. Since Now and Forever is about the world’s biggest rock star, Ethan Cross is inspiring the musical theme this year.

Show me your musical creativity and you’re in. What do I mean by musical creativity? Fan art, original lyrics, musical composition or mixing, artwork, video, or performance. Just express your love of music in whatever way works best for you. Let your musical obsession shine! I want to be dazzled by your musical brilliance! And what can you win in return?

Now and Forever and All I Need by Susane Colasanti

Dude. First prize is FOUR signed books! How ginormous is that?

Here’s the breakdown of prizes:

First prize is a signed hardcover of Now and Forever, a signed paperback of All I Need, a signed paperback of Keep Holding On, a signed paperback of So Much Closer, and a Now and Forever guitar pick bookmark.

Second prize is a signed hardcover of Now and Forever, a signed paperback of All I Need, a signed paperback of Keep Holding On, and a Now and Forever guitar pick bookmark.

Third prize is a signed hardcover of Now and Forever, a signed paperback of All I Need, and a Now and Forever guitar pick bookmark.

How to enter the contest:

1. Create fan art, original lyrics or a tribute to existing lyrics, musical composition or mixing, artwork, video, a song or dance performance, or any other form of expressing your musical creativity. Let your musical obsession shine!

2. Email your entry in the form of an attachment or link to me at susanecolasanti at gmail. Include your full name and mailing address with your entry.

3. Entries must be received by Sunday, June 22 at 11:11 pm.

Shine on, you rock stars. Shine on 🙂

all i need in paperback

“Captures the rush of teen love and lust.” Boston Herald on All I Need, out in paperback today!

All I Need by Susane Colasanti

There’s nothing like starting the summer off with a sparkly, romantic beach read. That was my goal in writing this story of Skye and Seth:


Skye wants to meet the boy who will change her life forever. Seth feels their instant connection the second he sees her. When Seth starts talking to Skye at the last beach party of the summer, it’s obvious to both of them that this is something real. But when Seth leaves for college before they exchange contact info, Skye wonders if he felt the same way she did—and if she will ever see him again. Even if they find their way back to each other, can they make a long-distance relationship work despite trust issues, ex drama, and some serious background differences?

Teen favorite Susane Colasanti returns to the alternating-voice style of her beloved debut When It Happens in this Serendipity-inspired story about summer, soul mates, and the moments that change our lives forever.


You can find the All I Need playlist, videos, and an excerpt here.

All I Need can be ordered in paperback at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or IndieBound.

thank you

Happy New Year, friendly neighbors!

I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate everyone who reads this blog. Blogging has changed so much in the past few years, and it’s been a challenging adjustment. Although I’m not blogging as much as I used to, please know that all of my important news and fun things to share with you will continue to be posted here in 2014. Thanks to everyone who checks in here now and then, and especially to those of you who take the time to comment. Your kindness means more to me than you will ever know.

WordPress has informed me that this blog had about 43,000 views in 2013. You guys were from a total of 112 countries. I am definitely feeling the global love!

Here are my Top Ten Fave Blog Posts of 2013, in no particular order:

Thank you thank you thank you for making this life possible. You are why I write. You inspire, motivate, and impress me every single day. And your positive energy is beautiful. What can I say? My readers. freaking. RULE.

Here’s to a spectacular 2014!

the station agent

You know that thing where a book or show or movie will speak to you so strongly that it takes on importance of monumental proportions deep in your soul? That’s what The Station Agent was like for me. I saw this phenomenal film when it came out in 2003. Not sure how that was 10 years ago. It seems like I was just lining up an hour early at the Angelika. Now here I am a decade later after watching The Station Agent a hundred times and obsessing over the town where it was filmed. That town is Newfoundland, New Jersey.

Regular readers of this blog know that I’m from Middle of Nowhere, New Jersey. I’m from the country. We’re talking rural, cows and dirt roads, woods for miles nowhere. So I immediately connected to the setting of The Station Agent. Newfoundland is a small town that’s remote in a very similar way to my hometown. Even the trees looked the same. Newfoundland was portrayed with such sweet nostalgia and old-school charm that I set Something Like Fate and part of All I Need there. Those of you who’ve read both books might have recognized the same setting…and even a few of the same characters.

But guess what? I’d never been to Newfoundland. Until one Saturday a few weekends ago when my BF/soul mate was like, “Want to go to Newfoundland?” And I was like, “When? Today?” And he said, “Yeah. It’s about forty-five minutes away,” all super casual like we were going on a Home Depot run. When in fact he was talking about visiting a place I had tried to get to for years. The train doesn’t stop in Newfoundland anymore. I don’t have a car. One thing about Middle of Nowhere, New Jersey and its surroundings is you need a car to get around. So after doing lots of research, I concluded that it just wasn’t my time to visit.

Until it was.

Susane Colasanti at The Station Agent train depot, Newfoundland, New Jersey

The Newfoundland train depot was at the top of my list. That’s where Peter Dinklage’s character, Finn, moves to after his only friend dies and he inherits the depot. Finn loves trains. He loves walking the right of way along the tracks. He loves the sound of a train in the distance. Like Finn, I’ve always been obsessed with train tracks. The train tracks in my hometown were a symbol of hope for me. They led to the better life I would be living one day. I would stand on the tracks when I was 13, 14, 15, visualizing the happy life I would have one day when the worst part of my life was over. The train theme was another reason The Station Agent spoke to me.

Peter Dinklage and Bobby Cannavale in The Station Agent

Here’s Finn and Bobby Cannavale’s character, Joe, chilling in front of the depot. Which I was determined to chill in front of myself. We didn’t know exactly where the depot was. But I knew we would find it serendipitously. And we did! Bigelow Road, baby!

Susane Colasanti at The Station Agent train depot, Newfoundland, New Jersey

I look calm in this photo, but trust me, I was freaking out. I was running all around like a spaz, pointing out where Joe’s food truck (Gorgeous Frank’s Hotdog Emporium) was and where Finn hung his mailbox and of course the train tracks. And yes, I totally walked the right of way on those same exact tracks.

Susane Colasanti at The Station Agent train depot, Newfoundland, New Jersey

Any film featuring Bobby Cannavale is a winner. You automatically know it will be indie gold. Same with Patricia Clarkson. Who doesn’t love her? Seeing them together in The Station Agent was a thing of beauty. There’s a scene where Patricia’s character, Olivia, climbs into a red train car by the depot. Finn has a meltdown in the same red train car later. How stoked was I to see that the red train car was still there?

Susane Colasanti at The Station Agent train depot, Newfoundland, New Jersey

Leaving the depot wasn’t easy. But we had other fun landmarks to check out from the movie like Olivia’s house and Green Pond Road and the Good to Go Deli (which we didn’t find). We also visited Echo Lake and Green Pond since they were featured in Something Like Fate. The area is just as beautiful as I pictured it while I was writing the book. There was even a house on Old Lake End Road that looked exactly the way I was picturing Lani’s house. It was as if I could see the house in my mind even though I’d never been there in person. We snuck a sand sample from Green Pond for my sand collection. The whole trip was awesome. And it was all possible because my BF/soul mate knows me so well.

Train tracks will always symbolize hope and endless possibility to me. Whatever symbol you carry in your heart, may it help you stay strong and always dream big.

Peter Dinklage, Bobby Cannavale, and Patricia Clarkson in The Station Agent

classic pooh rules

TGIM! This week’s summer book giveaway is coming at you in the form of a contest. The prize is your choice of any of my books, signed to you. You must answer this question correctly to be entered to win:

Name one character from a previous book who appears in All I Need.

There are actually two. The first name of one of these characters is fine. To enter, email your answer and mailing address to me at susanecolasanti at gmail by August 25 at 11:11pm. Only one entry per person is allowed. One winner will be selected from the eligible entries. This contest is international.

Speaking of international, there was a very European-looking boy on the subway the other day. I love European tourists. They have the most eclectic sneakers. Their outfits are super cute. This boy was around 20 years old. He was rocking a red, white, and blue ensemble that looked really comfortable. I was reading and he was standing across from me and I noticed the cutest tattoo I’ve ever seen. Like, ever. He got out at my stop. So of course I went up to him and asked if I could document his ink. Does that make me a creeper? Maybe. But there’s no way I could pass up the chance to share this with you guys:

Classic Winnie-the-Pooh tattoo

Classic Pooh rules. He is old-school in the best possible way. That tat is so adorbs it almost makes me want to get one. My BF/soul mate and I have talked about getting yin-yang symbols. But I would never make such a serious decision in the lazy days of August. I’ve been reading on his sundeck almost every sunny morning. Without becoming a sweaty hot mess by noon. How is that possible when it should be scorching right now? Read on.

August in New York is usually not the most refreshing time. A typical New York August is so hot and humid that those of us still here have the city to ourselves. Which is awesome in its own way. No lines at the post office. Getting a table for brunch at Friend of a Farmer right away. Sailing through Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods without bumping at least three other people with your basket. What’s even better about this August is how gorgeous it’s been. Much cooler and drier than usual. We had an August like this five years ago. I documented it on my blog because no one ever remembers it. I’m like, “Remember August 2008? Cool summer breezes. Perfect sunny days in the 70s. Everyone wasn’t a sweaty hot mess after walking only five blocks. Remember?” And people are all, “Um, no. I think you’re confused with October.”

For the record, I am not confused. There were only two hot and humid days that August. The rest of the time was bliss. I’m so thankful for this other blissful August five years later. I just knew it would come around again. The best kind of full-circle moment.

Enjoy the cool summer breeze, friendly neighbors!