orion reunion

When summer is over and fall starts getting cold and sunset is at 4:45, Susane tends to be grumbly. Everyone knows this. But being a positive person (or at least struggling to be positive in pitch afternoon darkness while wrapping three scarves around my head to go down the block to the deli) means that I always look for the positive aspect of a negative situation.

There are good things about this time of year. Like Orion coming back into prominent viewing.

Orion, constellation

Back in high school when I sketched the moon and anything else I could see with my little telescope, Orion was a winter fave. The upper left star is Betelgeuse, a red supergiant. The lower right star is Rigel, a blue supergiant. Those two stars are so bright that you can see the tinges of red and blue just by observing Orion with the naked eye. Try it and see!

When I saw those red and blue stars through my kitchen window last night, it was like reuniting with old friends.

red and blue old friends
orion in my window
wistful reunion

You got me, fall. You’re not all SAD and despair over shorter daylight time. You shine brightly in your own special way. (But this does not mean I’m forking over five bucks for a pumpkin spice latte anytime soon). Here in New York, we don’t get to see a lot of stars. Light pollution creates a high albedo effect that makes observing incoming starlight pretty difficult. Humidity also interferes, which tends to be higher in warmer temperatures. So yay for cooler nights. Yay for sharper skies. Yay for…I mean, kind of yay for fall. (And no, I would not ask for extra whip and caramel sauce on that pumpkin space latte I have no interest in). Shine on.

shiny new winners

Your Shiny New Contest entries were really impressive! Picking a winner and runner-up was not an easy thing to do. I am proud to present you with these shiny new haiku. Even Chez has joined the party to present the prizes:

Chez with When It Happens and Take Me There

That’s Chez from When It Happens. Yes, he’s real! And he wants the world to know it.

Now for some brilliance…

Kelly S. is my shiny new winner. She will receive shiny new editions of When It Happens and Take Me There. Her haiku:


far apart
sleeping just for dreams
find me there.

Nicole M. earned the runner-up spot for a copy of When It Happens. She wrote:

Life Happens

In the end
All the little things
Matter most

Honorable mention goes to Trish R. with this motivational gem:

I cannot
Say that I cannot

Congrats to everyone!

Good news: I’ll be running another contest next month to celebrate the paperback release of Waiting for You on April 6. Soon afterwards, it will be time for my Third Annual Floor Display Contest when Something Like Fate comes out on May 4. So get ready for more chances to win copies of my books. Woot!

sound erases noise

Wow! I’m so impressed with all the Shiny New Haiku I’ve already received. You have inspired me to write one of my own.

neighbor gamer

trying to pretend
that modern warfare next door
is a thunder storm

Yeah, it’s been fun times around here. Neighbor gamer combined with upstairs neighbor shouting into his phone at two in the morning and downstairs neighbor snoring so loudly I can hear it through the floor has been quite a ride. It makes me look forward to spring even more. Once I can keep the windows open, all this ambient noise dissipates.

But why should I care about noise? The only sound that matters right now is the soundtrack of my life, created by John Mayer. All I can think about is seeing John’s shows tomorrow and Friday. Please excuse my inability to focus on anything else.

So. Freaking. Excited.

shiny new contest

The shiny new paperback editions of When It Happens and Take Me There have been released! I just received my author copies, so you know what that means. It’s time for another contest so I can give away some books. Because there’s no way all of these are fitting in my place:

When It Happens and Take Me There by Susane Colasanti

I’m calling this the Shiny New Contest. Two prizes will be awarded. First prize is a copy of each new paperback edition. The runner-up will receive one copy of their choice. To enter, compose a haiku (3-5-3 or 5-7-5) that relates to a topic from any of my books. Some suggestions: soul mates, fate, living in the Now, taking a chance, loneliness, waiting, wanting. The haiku that speak to me the most will be the winners.

In case you haven’t learned about this form of poetry yet, a haiku consists of three lines. In a 3-5-3 haiku, the first line has 3 syllables, the second line has 5 syllables, and the third line has 3 syllables. As an example, here’s one I wrote (with explanations):

winter satellite (title)
sharp and bright (3 syllables)
waxing crescent moon (5 syllables)
best nightlight (3 syllables)

Shiny New Contest rules:

1. Email your haiku to me at friendly.neighbor [at] hotmail.com. Please do not post your haiku in the comments section, to protect the privacy of your entry. The two winning haiku will be posted here when the winners are announced.

2. You may enter more than one haiku.

3. Include your full name and mailing address with your entry.

4. Entries must be received by 11:11 pm on Sunday, February 28.

5. This contest is only open to US residents. However, if you live abroad and have a contact in the States who can receive the prize for you, it can be sent to their address.

I can’t wait to be dazzled by your creativity!