java stop

One of the most frequent questions authors get is this: Do you ever put real experiences in your books?

Heck yeah we do.

For example. There is a scene in Lost in Love where Sadie has a meltdown/rant/enraged fit over a new store on Bleecker Street. She grew up in that neighborhood. The West Village is the only home she’s ever known. One of the things she loved about the West Village is how it was a community of artists and musicians, filled with mom-and-pop stores that had been there forever. But the West Village, like a lot of New York City neighborhoods, has changed. It’s no longer the boho creative enclave of the 60s and 70s it once was. Sadie observes that Bleecker Street is kind of looking like an upscale strip mall these days. Case in point: this one artisan soap boutique that has, um, leaves inside.

Bleecker Street leaves

Sadie’s meltdown/rant/enraged fit is sparked by a certain Coffee Shop That Shall Not Be Named. The new coffee shop muscled in after a mom-and-pop record store that had been there for 17 years got pushed out by an outrageous rent increase. Which is why a lot of older stores are closing all over Manhattan. The rents are crazy. Sadie sees the shiny new coffee shop and has what I hope is both a passionate and hilarious fit in front of the store. She even makes a protest sign out of some recycled cardboard and a borrowed marker from Rocco’s. Darcy records Sadie’s rant and they post it online. You’ll see what happens in the final book of the City Love trilogy, Forever in Love, coming out next May.

What does Sadie’s fit have to do with experiences IRL? I had the same exact fit.

I was walking down this block of Bleecker Street I hadn’t seen in a while. When I lived in the West Village for nine years, I walked down that block all the time. But it had been a while since I was right there. And when I saw that our beloved record store had been replaced by the Coffee Shop That Shall Not Be Named, I lost it. I freaked the eff out. Just like Sadie did. Minus the protest sign.

Of course my meltdown/rant/enraged fit had to find its way into a book. The City Love trilogy was the perfect place for it.

At first the Coffee Shop That Shall Not Be Named was named. But my editor made the wise decision to change the name. You know. Good vibes only. So I came up with Java Stop, which I’d never heard of before. Or so I thought. Almost a year later, I was watching Singles, a dope film I hadn’t seen in many years. And what was the name of the local coffee shop?

Java Stop.

Was this another fun non-coincidence? Maybe. Had I ever even noticed the name of that coffee shop before? I don’t think so. But maybe I did and I forgot about it on an obvious level. The brain is a fascinating thing. Our memories are there, just not always accessible. Whatever the reason for coming up with Java Stop, it makes me smile to know that Sadie’s fury over its rampage of bullying smaller shops like a big bad boogeyman is making readers smile too.

Keep smiling. And remember to look up. 🙂

fun fact and a book – the outsiders

My Fun Fact and a Book video series continues with The Outsiders! You guys know that I worship this book in a godlike way. I slept with the original copy I show you in this video under my pillow in 7th grade, wishing for some magical form of osmosis to seep through the pillow into my brian so I could one day write a teen novel that would help other teens the way The Outsiders helped me. And if you’ve seen me on a panel at an event, you might have heard me mention that Ponyboy Curtis is my book boyfriend because he understands about sunsets and colors and things.

So yeah. Much love for this book.

The first Fun Fact and a Book video expanded on one of the fun facts in my Epic Reads author fun facts video where I share one of my collections. I collect a lot of things, but that would have been the whole video if I showed you them all. There just wasn’t enough time to share everything about each fun fact! So I decided to do this video series where I expand on one of the fun facts in the Epic Reads video, then connect it to a book. The fun fact I expanded on in this new video? The Knowing when I was a teen that New York City would be my true home. I felt like an outsider in my isolated small town, which is why I connected so strongly to The Outsiders. Here’s the whole story:

If you feel like an outsider like I did, I hope this gives you some inspiration. Visualize your place to belong. See it. Feel it. Your happy place is your true home where you will find your people. It is the place where you will not only be accepted for who you are, but appreciated, celebrated, and loved.

You matter. You have a purpose. And you belong.

fun fact and a book – the little prince collection

Did you see my Epic Reads author fun facts video where I obsess over things like The Office and my Top Five Husbands List? I had so much fun geeking out that I decided to expand on some of those fun facts with a new video series I’m calling Fun Fact and a Book! Each fun fact is directly related to a book I will fangirl over. The videos will be streamed from my home on Facebook Live first, then posted on my YouTube. You can subscribe to my Facebook for notifications when I go live.

Here’s the first Fun Fact and a Book, featuring my collection of all things from The Little Prince, plus Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon:

Thanks for watching, friendly neighbors! Much love xoxo

help wanted – positive energy

TGIM, friendly neighbors! Happy shiny new summer week. I have a very good feeling that fabulous things will be happening for us this week. And I will be eating a ridiculous amount of berries and melons in celebration of the fact that I can. So lots to anticipate.

I have made an executive decision to move my Help Wanted advice videos to Facebook Mentions Live, then post them on YouTube after. I love the energy of a live stream, getting to interact with your comments, reaching out to you in real time. Help Wanted 4 was live on my Facebook yesterday. Now you can watch it on my YouTube.

Help Wanted 4 is all about positive energy. Specifically, how positive energy can protect you from haters. I know how hard it is to not care what other people think. To ignore nasty comments. To block out insults. And to survive being bullied. The thing is, haters hate because of their unresolved issues, not because of you. Happy people don’t feel the need to be hateful. Happy people are happy for others. They enjoy spreading the love.

Haters gonna hate, but you can choose not to react.

Positive energy brings so much goodness into your life and the lives of those around you. When you radiate positive energy, you attract positive energy, which is how you find your people. Your people are your team. Choose to surround yourself with positive people to build a strong team. Because love is a battlefield, but so is all of life.

Avoiding negative people as much as possible will reduce stress and increase happiness. Negative energy is toxic. It can actually make you sick. Positive people are the ones you feel good around. When you are with positive people, it feels like you can be exactly who you are, like you say anything and you know they will support you. Those are the people you want to be around as much as you can.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if we could choose who to interact with at school or work? Like we could just say, “Yeah, no, I’m not feeling anyone negative, so don’t even try interacting with me,” and they would leave us alone? What do you do when you are stuck with haters throwing shade at you? Keep in mind that it’s not about you. Your success or good news or achievements, or even if you’re working towards turning your big dreams into reality, shines a spotlight on their insecurities. It’s like your achievement is a trigger reminding them of the things they haven’t achieved but want to. Which makes them angry. Then they take that anger out on you. Don’t let them bring you down. Don’t let them make you cynical or bitter. Keep generating positive energy. Positive energy is the key to healthy relationships, achieving your goals, and finding true inner happiness.

No matter what, remember that you are important. You are loved. You have a purpose. You have the power to make this world a better place every single day.

Shine on, everyone. Shine on.

epic reads author fun facts

When Epic Reads said they wanted to do an author fun facts video with me, I was psyched out of my head. We all know Epic Reads is the biggest and best book lover community out there. And they do the most adorable videos.

You should not be surprised to discover that my author fun facts video is dorktastic to the max. Watch me geek out over David Letterman, The Office, and my Top Five Husbands List. Oh yes. The list is featured.

In other book news, this Barnes & Noble Readout gives you a taste of what happens in Lost in Love after City Love. Spoiler alert! If you haven’t yet read City Love and are considering it, you might want to skip this excerpt.

Epic Reads posted a fun summer paperbacks feature and 40 Perfect Paperbacks for Summer, including City Love and a bunch of other hot reads. If you are looking for summer reading recommendations, check out the books featured there. And it looks like there’s still time to enter their Summer Reading Prize Pack giveaway. You can win TEN BOOKS, a beach towel, a water bottle, and a tote bag. Get it!

Epic Reads Summer Reading Prize Pack
In the book blogger world, this Lost In Literature review of Lost in Love is super cute. Love the buddy chat! Thanks for spreading the book love, Lisa and Becca.

Happy summer reading, friendly neighbors ❤

shelf talker feels

Anytime a bookstore closes, it breaks my heart into a million pieces. When I think about all of the amazing experiences I’ve had in bookstores over the years, especially indies where you can just feel the passion and dedication the second you walk in, it is obvious that the bookstores I have visited across the country are an indelible part of me.

So it was especially heartbreaking when the Citigroup Center Barnes & Noble closed here in New York at the end of June. That store was huge. When I was starting out as an author, they had a really big teen section with lots of room for those cardboard floor displays you don’t see anymore. I went there to take photos with my displays, and everyone was always so kind and welcoming. I was honored to moderate the very last event that store had, a teen panel that was part of B-Fest. Lots of sweet memories there.

Every negative situation has a positive side. The positive side of the Citigroup Center Barnes & Noble closing is that they let me keep my shelf talker…and also take a few faves. Shelf talkers are those labels you see under some authors’ books in Barnes & Noble stores nationwide. Here are the ones I took as mementos:

Susane Colasanti with shelf talkers by John Green, Sarah Dessen, Laurie Halse Anderson, and The Hunger Games

I am beyond grateful to have a shelf talker, and to be in such good company with these rock star authors.

Laurie Halse Anderson has been my favorite YA author since day one. Laurie is the OG of YA. Speak was the catalyst for an actual teen section, which pretty much didn’t exist until around 2000. Back in the day, there were like two shelves of teen books in the children’s section. Laurie inspired the teen section we know and love today. She is a beautiful writer. Every single page of her books resonates with truth and brilliance and emotion so strong sometimes you actually have to put the book down for a minute to get yourself together. She dropped the mic before that was even a thing. I will always be grateful to Laurie for helping me find my own voice, and will always be her #1 fangirl.

Everyone was saying I needed to read The Hunger Games. This was right before the final book came out. I was like, “No thanks, I’m all set with my TBR stack of realistic contemporary teen novels.” I am all about the realistic contemporary teen novels, which is why they are all I write. But people kept insisting. They were like, “You don’t understand.” And I was all, “No, you don’t understand. I’m not into dystopia.” But they would not shut up about how I didn’t understand. The first two books sat on my nightstand for a long time before I gave in and picked up The Hunger Games one night. Next thing I knew, I was still reading at four in the morning, eyes burning out of my head, not caring that I would be an exhausted mess the next day. Because OMG HOW GOOD WAS THAT BOOK? So yeah. Took that one.

Sarah Dessen paved the way for teen romance. She was a mentor when I was first getting started and is a friend I look up to today. I have learned so much from Sarah over the years. We have a lot in common, especially all things summer like flip-flops and long daylight time and fresh treats. Her books bring all the nostalgic feels. They have a timeless quality that feels like a dream to read. Leaving her shelf talker behind was just not an option.

There are some names that require no explanation. John Green is one of them. Enough said.

This Facebook Mentions Live video summed up my shelf talker feels:

Snaps for my readers on social who noticed the Joey + Pacey pic on my bulletin board. And yes, that is Jason Segel brushing his teeth in a scene from The Muppets!

Jason Segel in The Muppets

Fortunately our shelf talkers are in lots of Barnes & Noble stores. And B&N will be opening some new high concept stores that focus on community and ways to inspire more social interaction, bringing book lovers together in wonderful ways. I am really looking forward to seeing those.

Happy summer reading, friendly neighbors! xoxo

top five, book release week edition

Lost in Love release week rolls on! Even after ten books, my excitement is ablaze and shines even brighter when I start seeing your feedback. Thanks for all of your kind words and support of Lost in Love this week, friendly neighbors!

1. When I took its jacket off to admire the printed case of Lost in Love, I had no idea it would be this striking. How gorgeous is this cover?!

Lost in Love by Susane Colasanti

Irresistible, right? So…have you ordered your shiny new copy yet? If you are interested in the City Love trilogy, please take a moment to order Lost in Love today from your bookseller of choice. Here are some handy links to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and IndieBound for you.

And! This is also release week for City Love in paperback. Which makes this a perfect time to get into the trilogy! Find yours at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, IndieBound, or at your bookseller of choice. Page by Paige posted a roundup of all things City Love trilogy for your literary information.

2. Shout-out to Anna Piro, who woke up at 2:30 in the morning of the Lost in Love release day to read it! She wins the Dedicated Reader Prize.

Lost in Love by Susane Colasanti release day!

And thanks to Marjolein Reads for her five-star review: “Lost in Love is just an amazing and thrilling sequel to City Love. The first book was already fabulous, but this second book just tops it!” Much love, ladies.

3. I’m honored to be the newest member of the HarperCollins Speakers Bureau! Meeting readers is the best part of my job because you are why I write. I’m really looking forward to doing more presentations of Your Dream Life at schools, conferences, and other events. If you are a teacher, librarian, or coordinator who is interested in having me visit, please see my profile page for detailed information. I am currently booking school visits for the 2016-17 year and am beyond stoked.

4. YALLWest was part of my book tour and I cannot even tell you how spectacular it was. We had over 20 thousand people attend! And it was in Santa Monica! With the palm trees!

YALLWest palm trees

I have a thing for palm trees.

Like many of you, I also have a thing for good books. So I was pretty stoked to finally meet Jennifer Niven! You guys. She is just the sweetest person ever. She is kind and thoughtful and all the colors in one, at full brightness. Here we are with John Corey Whaley (who was running into the pic at the last minute), A.R. Kahler, and David Levithan. If I were to rate the quality of these four authors together on a scale of 1 to 10, it would have to be a 32. There’s just no quantifying that degree of greatness on a regular scale.

YALLWest 2016 with John Corey Whaley, Susane Colasanti, A.R. Kahler, Jennifer Niven, and David Levithan

Needless to say, I am experiencing serious YALL withdrawal. Is it time for 2017 yet? Snaps for top organizers Margaret Stohl and Melissa de la Cruz for working their magic and dazzling us all with a magnificent festival no one who was there will ever forget.

5. Yesterday I went to HarperCollins to film a fun facts video that I think will turn out super cute! I am pretty sure I had mascara smeared on my face, but these things happen. To everyone. Even to people who brought a mirror with them to check their face before filming and then recklessly didn’t check. While I was there, I saw my rock star editor and publisher, Katherine Tegen. Of course we had to celebrate Lost in Love release week for a minute.

Katherine Tegen and Susane Colasanti

Hope your week was shining at full brightness too! If not, a shiny new week will be starting soon. Keep holding on. ❤

city love book three title reveal

Thank you for making Lost in Love a #1 Hot New Release on Amazon yesterday! You guys freaking rock. Oh, and something else new on Amazon: I’m hosting a giveaway of Lost in Love. If I see a good response, I will do more of these!

If you are interested in the City Love series or know someone who might be, kindly take a moment to order a shiny new copy of Lost in Love today. Lost in Love is available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, IndieBound, or your bookseller of choice.

So Lost in Love just came out yesterday…but of course we are already talking about book three of the City Love trilogy! Justine Magazine caught up with me at YALLWest for an interview about what you can expect from Lost in Love. And an exclusive title reveal of City Love book three! Check it:

Want a signed copy of Lost in Love but didn’t see me on tour? I got you. Books of Wonder has tons of signed copies of Lost in Love, City Love (which was released in paperback yesterday), and all of my other books. Yay 🙂

Shine on, everyone. xoxo

those sex and the city feels

So here’s the thing about the City Love trilogy continuing with Lost in Love coming out on May 3. I mean, so many things, but a big one is sisterhood. When I started planning the trilogy, my goal was to bring those Sex and the City feels we all know by heart and love as much (if not more than) our sugar drug of choice. For me, that means being able to recite pretty much every line of “The Good Fight” (the one where Aidan moves in with Carrie and all holy get-your-crap-out-of-my-closet hell breaks loose) while enjoying my entertainment experience more than a big piece of funfetti cake with buttercream frosting.

Of course now I can’t stop thinking about funfetti cake with buttercream frosting.

Funfetti birthday cake

Dude. Maybe I will get very lucky and hunt down a piece of birthday cake like this at YALLWest. Because they just posted the schedule which looks AMAZE and I will be there April 30 and May 1 (aka my birthday, aka party time). This cake is possible. Anything is possible.

What was I talking about? Oh yeah. Sisterhood. See, the first City Love book only takes place over the first ten days the girls know each other. So I really loved exploring the growing friendship between Sadie, Darcy, and Rosanna in Lost in Love, which becomes even stronger in book three of the trilogy. Summer, sisterhood, and self-discovery. I hope Lost in Love brings those magical feels for you.

You can find out more about the City Love trilogy in this Miss Print interview…my third one with Emma because that’s how she rolls (aka mad profesh). And you can pre-order Lost in Love on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or IndieBound.

Love how I wanted to post a nostalgic SATC pic and ended up with a big piece of cake. I guess blogging can be like writing a book: sometimes the story takes over in unplanned ways.

One thing I am planning on? Having a ridiculous amount of fun on my book tour, which starts this week! SO stoked to meet readers at these amazing events. See you at RT Booklovers this week (including Teen Day on April 16), Las Vegas! And at the Chicago Young Adult Book Festival on April 23! And YALLWest in Santa Monica on April 30 and May 1! And New York City for the Lost in Love launch event on May 3! And Read Up in Greenville, SC on August 6!

Shine on, everyone 🙂

live from my living room

Somehow I knew you wanted to watch me geeking out.

What better reason than a new book and 5-city tour starting next week?

I will be doing a bunch more of these Facebook Mentions Live videos on tour and here in New York City this month leading up to the May 3 release of Lost in Love.

See you in person or on the screen!