now and forever giveaway

To celebrate my shiny new website, I’m giving away a signed ARC of Now and Forever, coming out on May 20!

Now and Forever by Susane Colasanti

Entering to win is easy. Just subscribe to my newsletter on the contact page of my website. If you are already a subscriber, simply sign up for my newsletter again to enter.

Everyone who subscribes to my newsletter in January will be entered to win. The winning mailing address must be located in the United States. But if you live abroad and know someone in the States who can receive the prize for you, game on. The winner will be announced on February 3.

Rock on, rock stars.

shiny new year, shiny new site

Happy New Year! 2014 is going to be packed with so many exciting things I don’t even know where to begin.

Oh wait. Yeah, I do.

Susane Colasanti - Official Website homepage

What’s this? Just a screen grab of the homepage of my shiny new website. My shiny new website that is the MOST GORGEOUS WEBSITE IN THE HISTORY OF EVER.

Those of you who’ve been to my website before might remember the scrapbook theme. When I was thinking about redesigning the site to get ready for the Now and Forever release on May 20, I knew I definitely wanted to keep the scrapbook feel while taking it up several notches. I wanted fresh designs that looked as much like actual scrapbook pages as possible. Which required the serious skills of a profesh website designer. That’s where Todd Jackson came in.

Todd is phenomenal. He created pages that are fun and easy to navigate with a simple, elegant look. And he was so patient with all of my girly requests for glitter and sequins. His designs really look like actual pages from my own scrapbooks. Check out the beautiful simplicity of the books page:

Susane Colasanti - Official Website books page

Todd resigned the life page (how much do I love that sparkly life sequin?) so that I could add photos along the side, complementing the text in a really sweet way. The Q&A page is divided into cute sections that add artistic flair while make everything easy to read. Todd created fun Smash Book style tape for the photos on both pages that change color every time you reload them. Dude, even the contact page is adorbs:

Susane Colasanti - Official Website contact page

If you are looking for a web designer to build a site for you or take your existing site to the next level, I highly recommend that you contact Todd. He will rock your world.

So. What do you think of the shiny new site, friendly neighbors? We’d love your feedback!