top five, officially fall edition

So I can no longer deny it. It’s officially fall. This is the last day of September and the trees outside my window turned light green when I wasn’t looking and the annual pumpkin spice craze has begun. Although I heard that maple is the new pumpkin spice this fall. I could not be more thrilled over this joyous news because I love maple. But yeah. Someone was even wearing a puffer yesterday, which is completely unacceptable. Save winter for winter, people!

While I was slaying my 2017 Year on Fire like a #girlboss, there were a few late summer things I didn’t get a chance to share here. Like…

1. That time I went into the new Amazon Books across from the Empire State Building and found the 50th Anniversary Edition of the book that inspired me to become an author and its endpapers were THIS.

50th Anniversary Edition of The Outsiders

2. That time Jason Segel followed me on Twitter when he had 2.4 million followers but was only following 374 people, which totally meant that I was on Jason Segel’s radar. Maybe he saw my reference to Nick Andopolis in…wait, which book did I put that in again?

Jason Segel is following Susane Colasanti

3. That time I looked up and saw X marks the spot. Major city love feels.

Looking up in NYC

4. That time I was clinging to the last vestiges of summer and posted a final summer love, sisterhood, self-discovery City Love trilogy giveaway on Goodreads, which you can still enter here.

Forever in Love by Susane Colasanti on Goodreads

5. That time I spent the first morning of fall the same exact way I spent the first morning of fall last year: up on my roof, soaking in the lingering summer breeze.

Susane Colasanti on the first morning of fall, 2017

Now it’s all about transitioning into the fall portion of 2017 Year on Fire. I can’t wait to share everything I’ve been working on this year with you. I can’t wait for my next books to come out. I can’t wait to taste my first maple treat of the season. But while I am buzzing with sweet anticipation, I will be enjoying the journey. Looking up. And feeling the city love.

Wishing you a spectacular fall, friendly neighbors! xoxo

ten years

Ten years ago this summer, I took a massive career risk when I left teaching to become a full-time author.

I only had one book out at the time, with absolutely no idea if my future books would sell, or how many books I would have published. But I refused to let fear prevent me from creating my dream bigger life. Failure was not an option.

And now today, because of you, we have all of this.

Ten years of books by Susane Colasanti

THANK YOU. Thank you for making this life possible. None of this would be possible without my readers, the most dedicated, passionate, caring readers in the world. You are why I write. You are why I keep hope alive every single day.

Whatever your big dream is, don’t let anyone or anything stand in your way from bringing it to life. Never, ever, ever give up.

Much love.


city love magic

You guys know how obsessed I am with non-coincidences, right? Well this one that happened a few weeks ago dominates.

A non-coincidence is what I call it when a mind-blowing event occurs with a probability of about 0%, indicating that the Universe is bringing people together for a reason. Earlier this summer before Forever in Love came out, my friend Anton and I went to the High Line to film that City Love trilogy tour video. Then we had dinner after, and it was one of those perfect New York City summer nights where we had Manhattan to ourselves with the best outdoor table at an Italian restaurant we love. Positive energy was in the air.

We were walking down the street after dinner when I heard a girl behind me say, “Are you Susane Colasanti?” I turned around expecting to see an old student because that happens now and then and every time it does I am psyched out of my head because a.) I love connecting with my old students and b.) it’s fun to see how they look and hear what they’re doing all these years later when they are these grown people working it.

But she wasn’t an old student. She was a reader from Mexico who was here on vacation, and I was her favorite author whose books she’s been reading for the past ten years! That’s why she recognized me. Shout-out to Adela, who was city love magic in action. Big city, small world.

City love magic

As we were talking, a lady came up to us asking for directions, but her English wasn’t every good. Of course she spoke Russian because I was with my friend Anton, the one friend I have who speaks Russian! Her wallet was stolen and she was trying to find her way to a friend’s place. The Universe totally brought us together on that corner in a non-coincidence. What was the probability of a reader visiting from Mexico recognizing me on the street, and then a Russian woman coming up to us while I’m with my one Russian friend? Like 0%.

Or the time I actually did run into an old student on a random corner…and 30 seconds later another old student of mine comes up to us. I thought they were together. But they weren’t. They were a year apart in high school, but they recognized each other. I was like, WHAT. Is. Happening. I run into a student from 12 years ago, and then a student from 11 years ago comes up to us at the same time? On the corner of I Am Never In This Neighborhood and WTF?! Probability = 0%.

And then there was the time my ex and I went to dinner and I was telling him how earlier that day I waited at this computer repair place for three hours and didn’t even get to take my laptop home, I had to go back whenever they called and who knows when that would be, and the guy at the next table came over to ours. Dude. He was the owner of that computer repair place. He gave me his number. He said to call the repair place first thing in the morning and my laptop would be ready for me right away. Probability of being on deadline back in the day when I was in between desktop computers and having dinner at the same exact place as the owner of the shop that was holding my laptop hostage, who just happened to be sitting at the table next to mine? Zero.

That’s the thing about non-coincidences. Something bigger than us is happening here.

You attract the kind of energy you put out into the world. The more positive energy you put out there, the more non-coincidences will happen for you. Not to you. For you. Because you shape your own life with every thought, word, and action.

Wishing you epic non-coincidences. ❤

top five, heart eyes edition

1. You know when you’re having a Twitter chat and S.E. Hinton drops in?

S.E. Hinton on elephants

Turns out the author of my fave teen novel loves elephants as much as I do! In the chat, we were talking about things we will be forever in love with. I said how I will be forever in love with elephants because they’re my spirit animal. As I was posting, I saw S.E. Hinton’s RT of an elephant with some zebras and a giraffe. So of course I had to RT her RT…and there you go. This is the kind of connection with an author I admire that would have blown my mind when I was rereading The Outsiders for the zillionth time as a teen. Yay technology!

2. Speaking of The Outsiders, who remembers this slammin look from 1983?

C. Thomas Howell, 1983

I mean. C. Thomas Howell was killing it with the popped collar and Izod sweater. And that hair. I have so much love for this movie poster I can’t even. My tattered old copy of the book has this cover, the best cover of all the editions IMHO.

3. Throwing it back to the 80s, I played the violin from 7th grade to 12th grade because I loved the challenge of developing the skills specific to playing a string instrument. There was all this snobbery the orchestra nerds had over the band geeks. Mastering a string instrument requires finesse. Meticulous finger placement. Methodology of bowing. String instruments are nothing like wind instruments, where all you have to do is press buttons or cover holes or whatever. That was our philosophy, and we stuck to it, scoffing whenever some percussion player bragged about his new drum riff. Ah, memories.

I also just love how string instruments look. How they are made. Their parts and pieces. In a way, string instruments are like people.

violin parts

4. What else do I love? So. Many. Things. Like how at my old place in the West Village and at my new place in Gramercy Park, a personal mourning dove has made friends with me. He sits in a tree outside my window.


If you searched “mourning dove” on this blog, you would probably come up with like 23 results of me talking about how the mourning dove hoo makes me so happy. Seriously. It’s one of those sounds that instantly elevates my mood, no matter what. And look how puffy and cute this guy is! Bliss.

5. THIS.

This is New York City.

This is why I’m here. This was the inspiration for my City Love trilogy, which just came to an end with Forever in Love. This is why I moved to New York City 21 years ago, and why I will be forever in love with this magical place, glittery with infinite possibilities.

Here’s to your city love, wherever it may be. ❤

city love trilogy cover models

How much do I love behind the scenes stuff? SO much. Which is why whenever I get to see photos of the models on my book covers, I’m obsessed. You can’t quite see the models’ faces on the City Love trilogy covers. But now you can!

The City Love trilogy models were en fuego. They had the right look, the right clothes and accessories, and their poses were on point. Gustavo Marx, the cover photographer, shared some fun outtakes from the two-day photo shoot. The first day was on a rooftop in Brooklyn to capture the Manhattan skyline in the background. The second day was on a pier near the Brooklyn Bridge.

The City Love cover models were adorbs. They looked super comfortable together as Sadie and Austin, and I love the look of their clothes and sunglasses here.

City Love cover models

They played around a little. With the Empire State Building in the background.

City Love cover models

Brilliant cover designer Erin Fitzsimmons went with different outfits for the cover. They were still hot.

City Love by Susane Colasanti paperback

Speaking of hot, this photo shoot went down over two days in the summer of 2014 during a crazy heat wave. Erin said she didn’t know how the models weren’t drenched in sweat. After seeing how cool they look in these photos, I suspect that models may have anti-sweat superpowers.

Lost in Love is my favorite cover of the three. And these were my favorite models. Darcy and Jude were totally represented.

Lost in Love cover models

Love the clothes. Love her topknot. Love how she looks like Keira Knightley. Just. Freaking. Love.

And the lighting at sunset? Stunning.

Lost in Love cover models

The backlighting is so gorgeous, and that radiant shine of the sunlight on the water made the Lost in Love cover stand out.

Lost in Love by Susane Colasanti

The Forever in Love cover is a bit different. The models’ faces are the most visible. The focus is the sharpest. And the pose is super romantic. Ironically, Forever in Love is the least romantic book of the three, but we didn’t know that back in 2014! Back then I had no idea so much devastation would come crashing down at the end of the trilogy. But as this trilogy unfolded, I knew I needed to push my girls harder so they could push themselves out of their comfort zones. If you want big changes in your life, you have to make big changes, and that doesn’t happen when you’re stuck in a comfortable routine.

This girl looks like Brooke Shields here.


Rosanna and Donovan, of course. D is looking extra preppy here. And on the cover with that watch! But it was a good way to distinguish the unique characters.

Forever in Love by Susane Colasanti

HarperCollins did a behind-the-scenes photo shoot video you can watch here. You can watch my City Love trilogy tour featuring locations from the books on my YouTube. And Forever in Love can be ordered from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, IndieBound, or your local bookshop.

Happy summer reading, friendly neighbors! xoxo

full-circle in the park

As always during a book release week, I’m doing giveaways of Forever in Love here and there. Like this giveaway on Amazon. But Epic Reads is giving away the entire trilogy! With five winners! Their giveaway runs until July 24, and it’s open to residents in the US and Canada. You can enter here.

The final City Love trilogy tour video is up.

I did videos at five different New York City locations from the books
, and tied in a theme from the books at each location. The final tour stop is Washington Square Park, which brings it back full-circle from the first chapter of the trilogy. Even filming the video was a full-circle moment because there was a magician performing who looked a lot like Jude, and in that first chapter of City Love Sadie and Rosanna are walking through the park and they stop to watch Jude perform. They just don’t know he’s Jude, because Darcy hasn’t even arrived yet and…well. No spoilers. PS That boy running through the fountain was not choreographed, but was amazing.

The City Love trilogy by Susane Colasanti

Thanks to everyone who made Forever in Love release week a blast. Your warm fuzzies, excitement, and support of the trilogy means so much to me. I will be forever in love with your positive energy, friendly neighbors. Shine on ❤


forever in love in the world

So it happened. The final book of my City Love trilogy came out yesterday.

Forever in Love is out in the world. The excitement here in my home office is all sparkly hearts and rainbows and unicorns!

Forever in Love by Susane Colasanti

You can find Forever in Love on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, IndieBound, or…you know. Out in the world.

The second stop of my City Love trilogy tour is the Zen Garden in Hudson River Park. I mean, it’s not officially called that or anything. That’s just what I call it because it’s this secluded enclave with tall grasses and bamboo benches with a mellow vibe I LOVE. Sadie loves the Zen Garden too, which she also chills at with Brooke in So Much Closer. The theme for this tour stop is positive energy. Can you feel it?

My appreciation for you is abundant. If you enjoyed any of the City Love trilogy books, would you kindly share a review online? Your opinion matters to me, and your bright stars can attract new readers. THANK YOU for your kindness!

Much love. xoxo

forever in love today

Today is here! Today is here!

Forever in Love is out in the world!!!

Susane Colasanti with Forever in Love

For those of you who missed the billboard I rented about it, Forever in Love is the final book of my City Love trilogy. You can find it on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, IndieBound, or at your local bookshop.

Speaking of online booksellers, if you read Forever in Love and enjoy it or have read City Love and/or Lost in Love and enjoyed those, would you kindly consider sharing your review online? Your opinion matters to me and to others. Those bright stars attract new readers!

I’ve been doing online Q&As with giveaways this week. Tomorrow, July 12, I will be answering your questions all day in my Goodreads Q&A group. On Thursday, July 13, I’ll be doing a Twitter chat 7-8pm EST. Everyone who asks a question will be entered to win a signed copy of Forever in Love, two winners per event. My goal is to answer as many of your questions as possible, but I usually don’t get to them all. A remaining one that made me smile is this:

Q: What are your Top Five Reasons to Love the City Love trilogy?

A: The summer before college, New York City, finding your people, embracing change, and dreaming big beyond fear. Oh, and summer love.

To show you what I mean, I am rolling out videos all week of my City Love trilogy tour. Each tour stop features a location from the book, and I tie in a theme from the books at each location. Of course the tour had to begin at the High Line.

Stay tuned to my YouTube for more tour videos rolling out this week!

Thanks to everyone who has read the City Love trilogy and is excited for this final book. I love connecting with you on socials, and am eternally grateful for your enthusiasm and support. You are why I write.

Forever in love with the infinite possibilities the future holds…


forever in love playlist

Only five more days until Forever in Love is out in the world!

So of course the official Forever in Love playlist is up on Spotify. You know I do playlists for all of my books, right? You can find them on the books pages of my website, including links to each playlist on Spotify.

The Forever in Love playlist consists of music that inspired the end to the City Love trilogy. Some of these songs are featured in the book. My girls Sadie, Darcy, and Rosanna sing to one of them at the top of their lungs walking along the Hudson River. And some resonate with that bittersweet feeling of saying goodbye.

1. “Ziggy Stardust” – David Bowie

2. “One Dance” – Drake

3. “Lost Stars” – Adam Levine

4. “Empire State of Mind” – Alicia Keys

5. “Shape of You” – Ed Sheeran

6. “Into the Night” – Cardiknox

7. “Here Without You” – 3 Doors Down

8. “Starboy” – The Weeknd

9. “DJ Got Us Fallin’ In Love” – Usher

10. “Emoji of a Wave” – John Mayer

Interested in the playlists for City Love and Lost in Love? The trilogy playlist lineup goes like this:

City Love by Susane Colasanti playlist

Lost in Love by Susane Colasanti playlist

Forever in Love by Susane Colasanti playlist

Happy summer reading (and listening, and looking up), friendly neighbors! ❤

forever in love online events

Dear Readers,

My City Love trilogy is coming to an end next week!

Please join me in celebrating the release of Forever in Love on July 11 with some online events and giveaways from July 9 to July 13.

Forever in Love online events and giveaways with Susane Colasanti!

Everyone who participates in these chats and Q&As will be entered to win a signed copy of Forever in Love. Here’s how this will go down:

Sunday, July 9, 2017   7-8pm EST
Instagram chat + giveaway

Earlier in the day on July 9, I’ll put the chat post up on my Instagram. Everyone who asks a question for the chat will be entered to win a signed copy of the book. Two winners (US only) will be randomly selected right after the chat ends and announced on the post. You can comment with questions for me about love, life, literature, or anything else before or during the live chat. This will be my first Instagram chat and I can’t wait to see how it goes!

Monday, July 10, 2017   7-8pm EST
Facebook Q&A + giveaway

There will be a Q&A post on my Facebook before the live Q&A starts. Everyone who comments on the post with a question will be entered to win a signed copy of the book. This giveaway is international! Two winners will be randomly selected and announced in the post right after the Q&A ends.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017   all day
Goodreads Q&A + giveaway

Our group for this event, Susane Colasanti Q&A + giveaway, is already live on Goodreads! You can go ahead and join, and post your questions anytime. Everyone who asks a question will be entered to win a signed copy of the book. I will be answering your questions throughout the day. Two winners (US only) will be randomly selected and announced in a post to the group immediately following the Q&A.

Thursday, July 13, 2017   7-8pm EST
Twitter chat + giveaway

Let’s talk about all the things you will be forever in love with. I want to know what makes you feel alive! I’ll announce that our chat has begun on my Twitter, and then have fun with it. Everyone who tweets with #ForeverInLove will be entered to win a signed copy of the book. Two winners (US only) will be announced right after the chat ends.

And yes, if you’re participating in more than one of these events you can totally ask the same question if I haven’t answered it yet. My goal is to answer as many of your questions as I can!

If you’re in the New York City area, I’m doing a launch event on Tuesday, July 11, 6-8pm at Books of Wonder. With some freaking amazing authors. Info here.

I’m really looking forward to connecting with you. See you soon.

xoxo- Susane