fabulous at 40

Birthday Week is a thing, right? I’ve been going with yes. My birthday is May 1, which is tomorrow. Which means my time as Fabulous at 40 will be coming to an end.

On my final day of Fabulous at 40, I’d like to share some philosophy that has inspired me. Straight up: It is outrageous that I am 40. My internal age is 16. My internal age will always be 16. Not in a creepy vampire way (although I would love to sparkle). In a way where I have a Knowing that I will be forever young. And in a way where I get super excited about funfetti cake.

Susane Colasanti's Fabulous at 40 birthday cake

This was my Fabulous at 40 birthday cake. I had been visualizing this cake for a long time. Everything from the hot pink script Fabulous to the vanilla buttercream frosting the the old-school sprinkles. And of course the cake had to be funfetti. I pictured this cake with such crystal clarity in my mind for months before the party it was like the cake already existed.

The party venue recommended a bakery. When I called that bakery to order the cake, there were some glitches with my vision. They couldn’t do hot pink icing. They didn’t have old-school sprinkles. And funfetti was not an option. Despite these inconsistencies, I ordered the alternate cake anyway. It was a good bakery. I felt bad not ordering the cake after the person helping me had been on the phone for so long. The cake would be delicious. It just wouldn’t be my vision. I told myself that was good enough.

Then I realized it wasn’t. Why should I settle for less than my heart’s desire? My heart’s desire was the cake I had been visualizing. There was no reason I couldn’t manifest that vision. So I called the bakery back and canceled the order. Later that day, my cake vision was manifested with Sugar Sweet Sunshine. I was so happy I kept searching for exactly what I was looking for. That’s the thing about creative visualization. You don’t have to settle for less than your heart’s desires. When you can imagine what you want to manifest in your life so clearly that it already feels real, when you carry that vision in your heart every single day and never let it go, you are on your way to turning your dreams into reality.

Like when I had a vision of my grownup self back when I was a teen. My biggest dream back then was to eventually be living a happy life. I wished that I would be healthy. I wished that I would be loving my career, living in my dream city, and sharing my life with the man of my dreams. Oh, and that I would be rocking a bikini when I’m 40.

Susane Colasanti, Fabulous at 40

Fabulous at 40 means being confident enough to chill infinity pool side with a fruity drink in South Beach. It means doing everything you can to make the world a better place. It means taking care of yourself so you can better take care of others. It means refusing to settle for less than your heart’s desires. Fabulous at 40 means visualizing your biggest dreams, then taking steps every day to turn those dreams into reality. These are things you can do at any age. These are things you can do starting right now.

So what’s your Fabulous at 40 cake? What vision do you want to manifest?

Imagine the type of sprinkles you want. The flavor of the frosting. What your icing will say. Who you will share it with.

Then make your vision reality.

now and forever twitter giveaway

Dude. Now and Forever will be out in the world in three weeks.

Cannot. Freaking. Wait.

Now and Forever by Susane Colasanti

I’m so psyched to share this book with you that I’m giving away a signed advance copy on Twitter this week. Entering is super easy!

To enter the giveaway:

1. Follow me on Twitter.

2. Tweet this:

Win a signed ARC of #NowAndForever! Follow @susanecolasanti and RT to enter. Giveaway info: https://susanecolasanti.wordpress.com

Giveaway rules:

1. All entries must be tweeted by Friday, May 2 at 11:11 pm.

2. Only one tweet per entrant will be counted.

3. I will announce and contact the winner on Twitter.

4. The winning mailing address must be located in the United States. If you live abroad but know someone in the States who can accept the prize for you, go for it.

Happy spring, rock stars 🙂

now and forever pre-ordering

Only one month to go until Now and Forever is released!

Time to bust out the swag.

Now and Forever by Susane Colasanti guitar picks

Books of Wonder is giving away a Now and Forever guitar pick with any pre-order of the book. All pre-ordered books will be signed. What I love most about these guitar picks (other than their vintage rock star look) is that they’re drilled with holes to wear on a necklace. That’s hot. I’m wearing mine on a ball chain.

You can pre-order your signed copy and swaggy guitar pick here.

Want to find out more about Now and Forever? The synopsis is here. And you can read the first four chapters of Now and Forever here.


late night with david letterman

You know how some days it seems like everyone is having a bad day? Or how other days everyone is in a good mood for no apparent reason? It’s like there’s this collective energy in the air that influences us more than we realize. Sometimes I’ll pick up on energy from my friends and just know they’re going through a hard time, even if I haven’t seen them or communicated with them in a while. That’s the kind of feeling I had on April 3. I was feeling all weird and stressed and anxious. Then I found out why.

April 3 was the day David Letterman announced his retirement.

David Letterman announcing his retirement, April 3, 2014

Am I friends with David Letterman? Tragically, no. Did I pick up on his depressing retirement announcement energy anyway? Of course I did. Dave is a lot of the reason I’m here in New York. Back in the day, I spent summers with my grandparents. They watched The Tonight Show religiously. This was the real Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. Summers were awesome because I got to stay up late. I’ve always been a night person. Late night at 12 years old was rebellion and excitement and fun. One night I noticed that this show called Late Night with David Letterman was coming on after Johnny. When I asked my Gram about it, she said that David was kind of like Johnny, but zany and wacky. Zany and wacky? Dude, I was a weirdo, too! There was no way I was missing that show.

I stayed up to watch Late Night. Dave broke all sorts of boundaries. He threw pencils at the camera. He made weird faces and held them for a long time. He wore Adidas sneakers with blue patches on the side. He had the Late Night Thrill-Cam. He showed you backstage. The said the most random things like, “I’ll give you five hundred dollars if you let me take my teeth out.” And he smashed watermelons on the roof in a 90-ton hydraulic press.

David Letterman in 1982

Late Night with David Letterman was officially my favorite show.

But then summer ended. And I had to go back to school. And I wasn’t allowed to stay up until 12:30 to watch Dave anymore. We didn’t have a VHS. The Internet was not a thing yet. All I could do was look forward to next summer to be reunited with the person who was showing me my true home. You could feel the city energy radiating from the screen when Dave was on. You could feel the excitement and soul and endless possibilities. New York was where I belonged. It was my fantasy future home.

I became obsessed with New York City. I went to the library at lunch and did research. Every time we started working with a new medium in art, I would paint or sketch or sculpt the New York City skyline. This went on for years. The Twin Towers were like friends to me. I dreamed of the day when I’d be walking down 5th Avenue, the Twin Towers glowing in the distance, watching over me. That dream became reality 18 years ago when I moved here. There is no where else in the world I want to be.

Writing So Much Closer was kind of like writing a love letter to New York. It’s about a girl who grew up across the water in New Jersey, longing to live in the greatest city in the world. I dedicated the book to my beloved city of New York. I gave David Letterman an acknowledgment for sparking my passion for New York City. Even my bio was specific to Dave: As a teenage Jersey girl, Susane felt like her true home was across the water in New York City. The Knowing began when she saw Late Night with David Letterman for the first time in junior high. Even my koala bear, Chez, wears my old Late Night with David Letterman tee:

Chez in his Late Night with David Letterman tee

So yeah. I owe a lot to David Letterman for showing me the way. He opened up a world of infinite possibilities and dared me to dream big. It breaks my heart that he’s moving on. But I will never forget the way he made me feel less alone during the worst time of my life. I will never forget how he inspired me to turn my biggest dream into reality.

Happy birthday, Dave. You are, and always will be, the heart of New York.

now and forever book tour

With less than two months to go until Now and Forever is out in the world, we’re getting ready to share some fun marketing things with you. There will be swag, a hot book trailer, contests to win signed hardcover copies, and more. Exciting times, yo.

But first! A new book release means a new book tour. Could I be more excited for events where I get to meet friendly neighbors in person? No. No, I could not possibly be. Because meeting readers is my favorite part of my job. I’m stoked to see those of you who can make it to these local events. This tour will be local to the NY/NJ/CT area, but I am hoping for a national tour next year.

Here’s where you can find me on the Now and Forever book tour:

May 20, 2014 – 6:00-8:00 pm
Books of Wonder
18 West 18th Street
New York, NY 10011

May 21, 2014 – 6:30-8:00 pm
Now and Forever pub party!
192 Bleecker Street
New York, NY 10012

May 22, 2014 – 5:00 pm
Books and Greetings
271 Livingston Street
Northvale, NJ 07647

May 29, 2014 – 6:00 pm
Southbury Public Library
100 Poverty Road
Southbury, CT 06488

June 3, 2014 – 6:30 pm
Merrick Library
2279 Merrick Avenue
Merrick, NY 11566

June 10, 2014 – 7:00 pm
Barnes & Noble
765 Route 17 South
Paramus, NJ 07652

June 26, 2014 – 5:00 pm
Barnes & Noble
2289 Broadway
New York, NY 10024

Totally looking forward to seeing you! And if you can’t make it, I will be hoping to see you next year 🙂