screen-free week

Yesterday was the best 40th birthday ever. My boyfriend and his kids gave me a red Keurig! Which was totally what I wanted. I only drink decaf coffee and have been raving about how good decaf is on the Keurig. This is my first coffeemaker. Even more than turning 40, I suspect owning a coffeemaker means that I might be a grownup.

Another highlight was definitely the funfetti cupcakes my boyfriend made. Actually, he stayed up late baking them the night before mixing like five different colors of batter to create rainbow swirl cupcakes. He even dyed the vanilla frosting pink because he knows pink frosting is my fave. How cute is he?

Funfetti cupcake

Not only do I share my May Day birthday with the Empire State Building, this week is Screen-Free Week. That’s where you focus on doing activities that don’t involve staring at a screen like a zombie. In the spirit of Screen-Free Week and my Gram, who would always give gifts of cookies on her birthday, I’m doing another Keep Holding On paperback giveaway on Facebook. And dude, this one is international! All you have to do is comment on the giveaway post with one thing you will do this week that doesn’t involve zombie screen time.

To enter:

1. Like my Facebook page.

2. Comment on the giveaway post with one thing you will do this week that doesn’t involve staring at a screen like a zombie.

Giveaway rules:

1. All entries must be received by Tuesday, May 7 at 11:11 pm.

2. The winner will be announced on Facebook on Wednesday, May 8.

3. This is an international giveaway. Anyone can enter.

To keep the Fabulous at 40 momentum going, we’re taking a short vacay. This will be my first vacay in, oh, three years. My BF and I love going someplace warm when it’s cold out. Even though it’s warming up here in New York, it’s far from laying-out weather. Which is why we’ll be kicking back in South Beach for four days. I can’t wait for bikini time by the pool with a good book. And admiring the art deco district. Neon lights are my jam. Such perfect timing for Screen-Free Week!

Catch you next week, friendly neighbors 🙂