super fat tuesday

There’s this understood rule that authors shouldn’t discuss politics on their blogs.  Like we’re not allowed to have opinions or something.  But I don’t get what the big freaking deal is.  Especially since I’m a very opinionated person and I welcome discussion.  And if my ideas inspire thought and change and action, those are all good things.  But just like I’m a vegetarian who lets you eat your bacon in peace (I do remember how crispy and delicious bacon is; crunch on), I belong to the Live and Let Live school of life in politics.  Isn’t that the basis of achieving world peace?

So I’d like to share a few things about this amazing day with you.

The super part:  When something makes you so passionate that it takes over your life and makes you believe that your dreams might actually come true, that’s a righteous thing.  I’m not embarrassed to admit that this is the first time in my life I actually care a hang about politics (note:  being insanely angry about the way things have been for the past eight years / pissed that my vote was ignored during the last presidential election along with all the other votes for the candidate who really won doesn’t count).  I always voted, but I never felt passionate about a candidate.  Until now.  Which is why I’m volunteering.  I’m one of those people you saw today, handing out flyers and speaking with friendly neighbors near (but at least half a block away from) the voting station.

The fat part:  Today’s excitement sparked my mission to find the perfect cupcake (with Crumbs being the reigning champion thus far), so I met my friend Tim at Alice’s Tea Cup.  They have an impressive array of teas (including seven types of rooibos!) and serve high tea.  How awesome is that?  I had a delicious vanilla cupcake with pink buttercream icing.  It’s running a close second, mainly due to its rich buttery cake.

The Tuesday part:  If you want to see the primary results, here they are.  And if you want to see which campaign I’m volunteering for, yes you can.

Get involved.  Be informed.  Keep hope alive.