week in review

1. Remember when Facebook changed its original format to make everyone’s profile look the same? I was outraged at the time. My Wall was originally positioned way at the bottom of my page. You had to scroll down past all of my apps to get to it. But then everyone’s Wall was right there and the apps were sequestered to that Boxes tab and I was like, This sucks! No one will know that I rank #1 in the Dawson’s Creek Trivia Challenge or see the current moon phase or send me hugs and kisses anymore. Those hugs really were the cutest things ever. And I wasn’t the only one who hated the change. But then…well, we all got used to the new format. I totally understand why the uniform look is much better. I hardly even remember the old format.

Fuzzy Hug on Facebook

What I do remember? Is last week. Back when we had our latest status displayed by our name and that little blurb area under our profile pic. With this new new Facebook change, I am missing those features. I mean, sometimes there’s an important status I want to leave up there, you know? Or like with the blurb area, I’d always put when my next book is coming out. Now you have to go to the Info section and scroll all the way down to the basic information area to find that out.

Yeah. So far, not impressed with this latest change. I’m waiting for the day when the last format will be a distant memory. Just like the one before that.

2. Urban Dictionary had some fun Word of the Day definitions.

Geek – a person you pick on in high school and wind up working for as an adult

Nerd – one whose IQ exceeds his weight

Dork – Someone who has odd interests, and is often silly at times. A dork is also someone who can be themselves and not care what anyone thinks.

All this time I’ve been calling myself a nerd, when in fact it appears that I’m more of a geek/dork combo. Thanks for clearing that up, my fellow urban friends!

3. I finally finished watching all of Seinfeld. It really is the quintessential show for New Yorkers and I totally get why it was so huge. Although I don’t know how well the rest of the country understood some of the humor that was crazy specific to New York. Like, only true Manhattanites can fully grasp the indignity of a non-212 area code.

So I have a question about the finale. Was that whole jail thing metaphorical? Because if it was literal…hmm.

4. When The Book Mogul asked me to select five books as my absolute faves, I was kind of intimidated. Picking only five books out of all of them is nearly impossible. But I tried, you guys. Here’s what I decided.

5. Why is epic being so overused? Where did it even come from? Somehow, epic has taken off like wild fire. I even heard a major intellectual use it on NPR. I wanted to know if anyone else agreed with me about the Overuse of Epic. So I posted the question online. And yes, a lot of you agree! Epic is officially being overused. Not that that will stop me from using it, of course. I’m just saying.

Well, that pretty much sums it up. I’m off to sniff some more Christmas trees. My goal is to inhale enough pine scent to spontaneously transform into a Christmas tree. I’ve always wanted an excuse to wear those silver tinsel icicles. Cheers!

2 thoughts on “week in review

  1. ahh I’m not a big fan of new facebook too! 😦 for some reason I’ve been dying to see the Outsiders. And yeahhh, I think I’m gonna wear green tinsel if it matches my outfit XD
