another keep holding on giveaway!

Thanks to all 209 of you who entered my Keep Holding On ARC giveaway on Twitter last week! I’m aware that not everyone tweets. And I have another ARC to give away. And giving away books is super fun. So…I’m doing another giveaway here on my blog!

Susane Colasanti kissing an ARC of Keep Holding On

In Keep Holding On, Noelle reaches a point where she is DONE. It would give too much away to tell you exactly what she’s done with. Generally, being done refers to not letting people and things that have been making your life miserable have power over you anymore. The whole done thing was inspired by fork. Fork (as in “stick a fork in me, I’m done) came about years ago at a particularly aggravating time in my life. When I was writing Keep Holding On, it was clear that done is the new fork. And done is freaking awesome.

Some things I am done with include: mean people (they suck, but you knew that), feeling guilty or frustrated that I’m not doing more than I’m already doing, and certain people trying to censor me from speaking up. You guys. I am just DONE. And I feel so much better!

Now I want to know what you’re done with. Leave a comment telling me and you’ll be entered to win an ARC of Keep Holding On.

To enter:

Leave a comment here telling me one thing you are DONE with. Include your first name and email address.

Giveaway rules:

1. Entries must be received by Friday, November 18 at 11:11 pm.

2. One winner will be randomly selected.

3. The winner will be announced here on Monday, November 21. The winner will have two days to email me (susanecolasanti[at]gmail[dot]com) their full name and mailing address. If a response is not received in time, an alternate winner will be selected.

4. This giveaway is open to US residents only. However, if you live abroad and have a contact in the States who can receive the prize for you, it can be sent to their address.

Let’s get this party started. A celebration of DONE!

163 thoughts on “another keep holding on giveaway!

  1. Well it’s been a long while since I have really been DONE with anything. However, the last thing I chose to be DONE with was being the follower type of person. As I use to be when I was younger, not caring about my choices and just going with the flow … and even though I am still pretty laid back … I don’t always go along with what others are doing just because their doing it. Say to say it took me over 5 yrs to agree to that but at least I’m happier now. =0)

  2. I am DONE with trying so hard to please people that couldn’t care less about me. Now I’m living by the idea of “if they don’t chase you when you walk away, keep walking.”

  3. I’m really done with girls who say they don’t like to play the dumb blond and are really intelligent when around friends; but they then play the dumb blond when there’s a guy they like around. I just want girls to be able to have the confidence to be smart and talk about world issues with guys instead of sports stats.

  4. I am done with feeling like I need to be what everyone expects of me. I am done trying to follow someone Else’s dream. I am done trying to be anyone else but Me.

  5. i’m done with looking back at the past. i think it’s very important to move forward and the more i dwell on what’s in my past, the harder it will be to move forward with what i want. i’m done with holding on to something that was never really there. in the words of John Mayer, “i’m putting you out, baby. I’m putting you out of my mind.”

  6. I’m done with thinking of issues in the past. It’s tiring and it sucks and it’s awfully depressing. No matter how many mistakes I’ve made and no matter how hard I try to change them, they can never be changed because what’s done is done. If life prefers to make it all stay this way then so be it. All I have to think about now is what to do NOW.

  7. I tell you as a blogger I am so done with people telling what to read and how to do my reviews. If I like the book I will say it but if I don’t like it I will say it as well. I like you am done with mean people and backstabbers, gossipers and all out mean and nasty people.

    I can’t wait to read keep holding on!

  8. I am DONE with living in the past, it does me no good. Can’t move on with the present and future if I’m stuck in the past right? And also I’m DONE falling for the wrong guys, I’m gonna let him come to me haha.

  9. I am done with school and work because i am always stressed out and never have time for myself anymore! I need a life… Or a great book:)

    • I’m doing NANOWRIMO to and I just had to say that I’m jealous you are so close to being nearly done with your first draft, and good luck with the rest of the month 🙂

  10. this is quite hard as there’s so much going on with my life..but basically, in the present, I am officially DONE being the one always teased and bullied upon, I am DONE with people always insulting me. Yeah, I get up and defend myself, but they always continue on. Something new to do? I am DONE making them hurt me and affect my feelings. It’s time to be a NEW me. 🙂

    Jenna (

  11. I am DONE with doubting myself. I recently discovered a new dream of mine but have been afraid of failing because I may not be “qualified” to do it. Well I am definitely DONE with letting the fear of the unknown stop me from accomplishing what I love.

    -Nicole (nloustau[at]gmail[dot]com)

  12. I am done with many things as of right now, but the main thing is not standing up for myself. I am done allowing people to nag on me, tease me, use me, and with people who don’t care about me like they should. I am done with allowing them to take over my thoughts and bring me that extreme sadness and depression-like state of mind. All of my life I have had people bring me down and tease me endlessly every single day at school, and I would cry myself to sleep almost every night. But as of now, I am so DONE with it. I want to stand up for myself just like I should have all of those times. I want to not be afraid to tell someone what I really think, even if I end up losing them, like I recently did. I have to start standing up for myself, and start putting myself first. I am so DONE with allowing them to hurt me and bring me down. From now on, I will try to tell myself that, they can’t hurt me anymore, and that they are not worth crying over. I am DONE with not speaking up. As said by my hero Taylor Swift, I am going to SPEAK NOW. ❤

  13. I am done with keeping my mouth shut even when it comes to family members. I am tired of keeping my comments to myself when someone says something and I have a different opinion. Sometimes it doesn’t pay off to be nice so its time I start opening my mouth and letting my voice be heard.


  14. I’m done with trying to take care of people who refuse to take care of themselves and trying to make their life as easy as possible when they won’t do the same for me, especially since it just adds more stress I don’t need to my life. Mostly, I’m just done being used.

  15. I’m DONE with:
    Living in the past. It’s unhealthy & unrealistic. It keeps me stuck, and I don’t want to be stuck, I want to fly into the future with all the best hopes and dreams.
    Letting other people tell me I am or who I can be. I know who I am, who I want to be & where I’m going in my life. I will not limit myself by letting others define me. I define myself!
    Being so hard on myself. I’m human. I can’t expect myself to be perfect. Perfection is not a realistic possibility. I’m doing my best & trying my hardest, that’s what matters most!
    Nikki spicepixie[at]gmail[dot]com

  16. I am completely DONE with a person who is supposed to be my friend but all the person does is lie to me, treat me like crap and then still expects to be able to get stuff from me or go places with me!! I am fed up with it and that is why I am so DONE!!
    ~ Shelbie

  17. I’m DONE with begging people, who say they are my friends, just pretending to be. I don’t beg for your attention. So don’t act like you’re doing me a favor by talking to me.

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  18. I’m done …just done with feeling like I am never going to be a published writer, never going to lose weight, and never going to seriously keep this house clean!

  19. I am done with feeling sick. I think I had the stomach flu this past weekend and was basically bedridden for the last few days. I am done with feeling ill and really hope I’m on the road to recovery.

    On a happier and funnier note, did you see this sketch from the most recent SNL? Friday Night Lights gets a shout out soon after the 0:57 mark. Amen, Emma Stone!

  20. I am DONE with trying to make people be a part of my life. I use to be that person who always chased people down. My phone calls were ignored and never returned. I was stood up twice to meet with people for dinner. My biggest wake up call came wihen my phone number was blocker and they emailed me and told me to leave them alone. Since then I learned that you force people to love you or be your friends. Now that I am older, I understand that people need space, they need to take care of their other life’s obligations and responsibilties. I have also learned that friendship is something that has to be earned and some people don’t deserve your friendship.

    Now, I don’t call people alot. If I sense that it is time to back off, I will back off. I don’t bombard their inbox anymore.

  21. I am DONE with trying to please everyone! I am also done with not believing in myself! I am going to live to my full potential and be happy with who I am! There is so much I can accomplish if I just believe in myself!

  22. I am done with dedicating my life to be perfect and then punishing myself when I don’t achieve it. Perfection has been an eight year battle for me and it all started with karate, ironically. Normally karate is supposed to build a person’s confidence and self-esteem but it did the opposite for me. It completely tore me apart and transformed me into a different person. Over the years I spread my issues with perfection to other aspects of my life like contests, high school, writing, and college. Now I am done with listening to people tell me that I am not good enough. I don’t need to be good enough for anyone but myself. If someone isn’t happy with who I am then it shouldn’t bother me. They are the one with the problem not me. Happiness is a new feeling for me and I love it. I love living life to the fullest and smiling for no reason. 🙂

  23. I’m done with the people who tell me I shouldn’t apply to certain jobs because they won’t pay enough/be worth anything later (and vice versa, done with the jobs being forced at me because they ‘guarantee a future’ – why would me, a journalist, care about the engineering jobs?!). I did jobs I hated with good pay for 3 years, and I was miserable for it. It took the energy, the creativity, the hope I had for life right out of me, and I ended up still unemployed. From now on, it’s what I love to do, no matter how much of a struggle it turns out to be.

    Excited for the book!

  24. I’m DONE with High School, Okay, I’ll admit that’s a big statement to make but I’m a senior that’s had some difficulties fitting in and making friends ever since i began school. So college will be a new start, a new me. I’m done with the bullying, stress, hatefulness, negativity, and ignorance that is high school. Here’s to wishing that my college days will be better than what i’ve been dealt thus far.

  25. I am DONE with trying to change myself.
    I always thought that my life would be so much more worth living if I were less shy. I always looked at it like it was a big problem, like I’d never succeed if I continued being that way. But I’ve made plenty of friends and have had so many good times being just who I am. I’ve come to realize that it will always be apart of me and yeah it may suck not to be totally outgoing around every person I meet at first, but it’s nothing that needs to be changed.

  26. i am done loving him. maybe it’s not easy to just stop loving someone who i’m used to seeing everyday, but the closer i get to him, the harder for me to breathe; i used to think it was all worth it but if i let him go, i might finally be myself. the worst part between us was when i thought we could get through anything. i guess not. now that it’s kinda over, i’m hurt to think that maybe he doesn’t feel as much aftermath as i do. truth is, i think only time can ease this pain. one thing i’ve realized after this is how much i loved him.

  27. I am done with letting people walk all over me. I am a special education teacher and people at the school constantly walk all over the all of the special education teachers. The General ed teachers believe that their students are better and deserve all of the best and that the special education students should not be ALLOWED in their classroom. I am done letting them walk all over me and my students. They are just as wonderful as the general ed students and are working their butts off to become better students.

  28. I am done with letting oppurtunies pass by me.
    I’m applying to a summer program this year and will do anything I can to get in.
    (I’m also done with waiting for birthday since it’s this Friday!)

  29. The thing that I am done with are people who lie to you and you know that they are lying. I don’t like the fact that they think you don’t know but you really do know the truth.

  30. I am DONE with trying to please people who could care less. I am only going to do things for myself to make me happy. Worrying about stuff like that is a waste of time!

    Aydrea – danceislove27 At gmail DoT com

  31. I am DONE destroying myself with what ifs.
    I am also DONE with blaming myself for everything and it is my time!

    This is going to be my year.

    Natalia (

    • Get it girl!!! This is definitely my favorite answer out of all the others. =D

      I’ve been there with you when it comes to the “what if’s.” Those things can destroy a person! I hope you stick to this! Rooting for you!

  32. One thing I’m DONE with is trying to make everyone else happy before myself. I should be more concerned with me first, and then worry about everyone else!

  33. I am DONE with letting my mom control me. I am old enough and mature enough to make my own decisions. I could understand if she were doing it out of love, but I’m fairly certain that based on her previous actions, she’s not. I am also DONE of being afraid of my stepdad. For years I have been afraid to challenge him for fear of consequences. I will not stand for it anymore. I’m not going to let them push me around or put me down anymore!

  34. Am done with people talking behind other people backs, be honest with that person! Say it to their face rather than talking bad about them (gossip) Gossip is a form of bullying!

  35. I’m done with trying to say the right thing all the time to please people instead of saying what’s on my mind. I’m also done with worrying about boy drama. Getting a boy friend would be nice, but it isn’t crucial! When it Happens, it happens. (hehe) 😀

    (I don’t know if I’m supposed to put my email in the comment, because it’s included in the info you have to put in to post a comment. I hope it’s okay that I’m just doing that!)

  36. This is kind of simple, but I am DONE with never entering sweepstakes with the fear of not winning. Whenever the winner(s) are announced for any I’m all ‘Congrats to them! I didn’t win’ and I make some sad face. Uh… Of course I didn’t win. I didn’t enter.

    Some of the other posts to this are really fantastic! I see some awesome female empowerment! Time to reply to some of them! 🙂


  37. I’m DONE with trying to please people and worrying about what they think of me.
    BECAUSE~ If they can’t handle me at my worst, they certainly don’t deserve me at my best! ❤

  38. I’m DONE with my job. I’m tired of working for a company who refuses to give me full time when I’ve been there 4 years and work my butt off. I’m looking for a new job, and am hoping to find one before the holidays.

  39. I’m DONE with being the invisible girl, who gets decent but not great grades, who has a tight circle of friends and doesn’t feel the need to get to know other people. I’m DONE with being afraid of stepping out of my confort zone.

    -melannie (who feels better now that she let it out, but hopes I’ll actually have the guts to do something about this).

  40. I am DONE with worrying about the people who are able to leave me behind so easily and worry more about the ones who decide to stick around for the long run. I’m going to have days where I wish I could bring the old back into my life, but the new is just as amazing if not more. And I am DONE with the word “ugly”. I am so tired of hearing people use the word ugly to describe other people just because they find them unattractive. What is ugly to you is beautiful to someone else. I am DONE with diving too far into the hype of what is and what isn’t the perfect body. I am DONE with allowing myself to get lonely. When you’re in your room late at night, your thoughts pick at you with could-haves and should-haves and thoughts about how your friends are probably out having fun without you and didn’t want to invite you. I will find things I enjoy and do them, not a worry in the world about who is where and what they’re doing without me.

    I am DONE.

    • I feel the EXACT same way about everything you said, ESPECIALLY the first part about worrying about the people who are able to leave you behind so easily. I am done with all of that too! 🙂

  41. I am DONE stressing about making an error at work. Even though I have numerous responsibilities now, no one is going to get hurt if I screw up from time to time. No one is perfect – especially when I was never even fully trained for my office position. Mistakes happen. “What-if’s” are just too stressful! Regardless of my day, at 5:00 I get to go home to my soul mate (a Paul Rudd look-a-like, even! Bonus!) and orange kitty. I am done with stress behind the desk!


  42. I am DONE with not sticking with my journal. I’ve tried writing in a journal before and have given up. I am done with that! I will continue writing every day in celebration of National Novel Writing Month. One day I will write a book. I am done with lack of discipline. -Julie


  43. Hmm, I have to say that Im done with comparing my writing with other writers. I used to feel like Im never going to be like the others but thats not the important part. The important part is being yourself and writing what you know is true to you. So I’m done with comparisons and I’m off to take over the world! Bahahah!


  44. I’m DONE trying to grow up so fast…I’ve learned that being a little kid is SO much more fun, plus there’s less stress. 🙂

  45. I’m DONE with my job!!!!!!!!!!! turns out sales is not the right position for me, so why be miserable all the time because i am constantly getting yelled at by my manager? I decided to take charge of my life, realized that i had the option to be DONE and quit the other day . . . life starts feeling so much better when you realize you are DONE 🙂

  46. I’m DONE with letting things go. Especially things that need to be addressed. So done that I recently got up the courage and told a person in my life a lot of things that hadn’t been said and needed to be. It feels great to stand up for yourself and I’m SO done with letting myself ignore feelings that need to be shared. -Gina


  47. I’m done with trying to be perfect, for everyone, if people don’t like me for who I’m and don’t understand that I make mistakes just like everyone else then they are not worth it. I’m human and we make mistakes. Julie

  48. I’m DONE with being perfect all the time. I am usually the quiet one, but now that I’m an adult…. it’s time to speak my mind and show people who i really am.

    ~ Alana alanarb2001(at)yahoo(dot)com

  49. I’m DONE with letting people walk all over me. I’m done with saying yes to everyone. Yes, I may please everyone else but I don’t particularly please myself sometimes. I’m learning to say, “no” to people who don’t deserve my “yes.”

  50. I am absolutely DONE with the fact that everyone calls me Mexican. I’m just tired of it. It’s annoying, RACIST, and totally immature. I thought that this school year would be different, but its not. I love my school, but it’s like so different.
    I also hate the fact that I’m a hopeless romantic. It just throws me off almost all the time.

  51. I’m DONE with Drama and caring about what other people think about me. It’s all overrated. I’m sick of finding myself doing something that is outside of my own personality. I want to go back to being just me. No more lies no more trying to impress other people. Just learning who I am and embracing it.

  52. I am done with people trying to tell me how to run my life. I am absolutely done with people who think they are better than anyone else. I am done with people who take advantage of their friends. I am done with feeling guilty about anything for any reason. I am definitely done with people who don’t get their facts straight before they confront someone or something and make a complete fool out of themselves. I am done with hoping that a good thing is just going to happen without my interference. I am done with being treated like I am not important/smart/good enough to be with someone or somewhere. I am done with guys who think they are all that. Done with girls who think that they have more rights than others. I am done with people who think they can walk all over me or say hurtful things to me without ANY consequences. AND I am tired of feeling like I need to meet an extremely high expectation that no one can ever reach. However, I am ready to live a life that I want to live!

  53. I’m done trying to be perfect for everyone else when I should be trying to just be me not who everyone else expects me to be. I’m done not being who I want to be. I’m done being the smartest, the one with the best advice, the one with the put together outfits, make-up, and hair. I’m DONE with not recognizing the face in the mirror.

    Julianna Monday

  54. I`m done feeling guilty. This is too vague for my liking, and I don`t know if this will even ever get read, but I`m going to give it a shot, and spill my heart out in this comment, in the hopes that it`ll be the one to be picked.
    I`ve given a lot of thought to this, believe it or not. But I`ve been giving a lot of thought to many things this month.
    2 years ago on the 28th of this month, I met a guy, and long story short; this guy changed my life. He was everything any girl would ever want in a guy; funny, charming, cute, sweet, caring.. everything. And I was the lucky one. I was the one he met, and wanted. I was the one he cared for. And loved. I was his one. And nothing had ever been as perfect as it was with him. “Young love is just dumb love, call it what you want it, it was still enough.” I don`t care if I`m too young for love in anyone`s opinion, because I know I`m not. Because I loved him with everything I had, even if it didn`t seem like it towards the end. Most stories have happy endings; mine does not. Towards the end of mine and his relationships things started going downhill.. really far downhill. We fought and fought about every little thing, and it was bringing him down. He was already going through a lot, and I knew that. But I didn`t change my ways. We still fought everyday. And one day I was fed up, so I told him it was over. But he didn`t let me go. He told me without me he`d be nothing, and so he wouldn`t have a reason to live. So I stayed. Because that was the most sweetest, and terrifying thing anyone has ever said to me, and I didn`t know what else to do. I stayed. But the fighting didn`t stop, and it just got worse. And one night I was fed up, and dumb, and so I said to him. “Screw you, I`m done.” and I left. Without another word, or thought. Without looking back, I left. And I didn`t talk to him the rest of the night.
    Like every good story, there`s more than one part, so here`s the next;
    The night after that happened, I woke up feeling sorry. I missed him, of course. So I tried to get ahold of him. But no matter what I tried, I couldnt. I finally went over to his house, and his sister answered the door. I asked where my boyfriend was. And you know what she told me? “No one`s told you yet?” Naturally, I was confused, so I asked what. And you know what she told me next? “He overdosed lastnight, and his heart stopped in his sleep..”
    That one sentence tore me apart. I can`t even describe how it made me feel, so I won`t. Let`s just say it ruined me. But even that, would be putting it lightly. He`d killed himself. And why? Because maybe things got to be too much. But you wanna know the reason i figured it was? Me. You can`t even imagine how much guilt that was. There`s a lot more too this story, but I won`t go into anymore detail, because I don`t need to think about this right now.
    The point is, I`m done feeling guilty for something he did to himself. Suicide is selfish. I see that now. And it was his choice. I`m not gunna blame myself for something he did. It sucks that he`s gone. But I can`t think of me as being the reason anymore, because it`s going to bring me down, just like everything brought him down, and I don`t want that for myself. I`m done feeling guilty, because it`s time for me to start living again. It`s been over a year since he`s been gone, and thats a year too long. I doubt many people will read this, and that`s okay with me. I probably won`t even get chosen. That`s okay too. Maybe I just needed to get this out in the open, even if it was to complete strangers. I just needed all of this to be said, because if it`s said, maybe i`ll actually do it, and i will actually stop feeling so guilty, and start loving myself again, and living.

    • Oh wow, that is a very touching story, I am glad that you decided to share this. I know what you meant about just getting your story out there in the hopes that that would make you feel better. SOmetimes, writing everything down, and whether you share it or not, will make you feel much better. I am so happy that you want to start living life again; it really was NOT your fault, and I am positive that he would have wanted you to move on and not feel guilty. You deserve to be happy, everyone does. I hope you start being happy and loving yourself again. 🙂 ❤

  55. I am done with being sad all the time. I’m done with always sitting around and wishing I could change my life and make it better. Because my life won’t change until I do something about it.

  56. I’m DONE with letting what people say get the best of me. Sometimes, people don’t really mean what they say. They’re just jealous or they want to take their anger out on somebody. If I don’t listen to them, I’ll be happier with myself and my life.

  57. Ashleigh Konopaski

    I am DONE with holding on to pain that I have been caused. People will hurt you and let you down in life, but there is somebody out there in the world who always has it worse. You need to remember what is good and be thankful for the things in your life that bring you happiness. Also remember, “Hold your head high gorgeous, some people would kill to see you fall.”

  58. I am DONE with letting my ex boyfriend trying to get back together with me. He isn’t worth the pain he put through!!!!!

  59. I’m DONE with taking myself too seriously! Life is fun, and it’s short, and it’s time for me to enjoy my twenties. Who cares if people judge me for reading YA when I should read adult? I’m having fun, and I’m living it up. My blog is an outlet and something to enjoy – not stress over 🙂 T


    iswimforoceans at gmail dot com

  60. I’m done with trying to be someone I’m not. I’ve wasted too much of my life on things that I have no interest in. It’s time to do what I really want.

  61. Dear Susane,
    I am DONE allowing false visions of the “right thing” make decisions for my future. I am done putting all of my energy & time into studying the wrong thing at school & finally going after my dream: to write YA! I am done wasting time 🙂

    Excited about this new book! The cover looks amazing!

  62. i am DONE with letting people walk all over. i am DONE with not standing up for myself. i stand up for others, but i can’t ever seem to stand up for myself. i am DONE being affected by the bullying of my roommate. she’s immature, she gets everyone to hate me. and why? because i stood up to her and for myself for once in my life for smoking pot and drinking in our room. she then tells me that i have been making her college experience miserable when i’ve been helping her with homework, letting her use my things, etc. she has no idea who i am and i will not let her affect me anymore. i know who i am and i know what i believe in and she can’t change that. i am DONE with two faced people who are nice to my face and then talk about me behind my back, and even sometimes when i’m just in the other room. what do they get from that? all they are doing is wasting their lives away. they have no benefits from doing it, yet they do it anyway and i still, to this day, haven’t figured out why. i am DONE feeling miserable and self-conscious of being overweight. i am DONE being affected by people who still make fun of me for my weight. they know nothing about me and they don’t know what i’ve been through. no one has any right to judge another person by how they look. growing up overweight is hard enough as it is. it affects everything. people who’ve been through that will understand. (Susane, if you write a book from the point of view from a teenager being overweight, i bet that would be incredible. going through middle school and high school being overweight was one of the hardest things i had to do. it makes you depressed and lonely because all people do is judge you for how you look. i’m 18 years old and i’ve never been kissed :/ ). i am DONE living someone else’s life. i have a dream, a dream that i’ve had for years that i’m finally working towards that i’m not letting go of that. i like to make people happy and i don’t like to disappoint my parents, but i can’t live the life my dad wants me to. i have to live for myself and that is exactly what i’m doing today. i am DONE with immature high schoolers talking bad about my family and the people i care about on internet cites. my mom is the prevention coordinator in my town and she does many campaigns for the awareness of the seriousness of underage drinking. however, with that job, you’re going to get your haters and i am done with those people who have nothing better to do than talk badly about the greatest person i know in my life. i am DONE walking by the homeless in NYC on my way to school and not giving them anything. i am DONE not believing in myself. i can do anything i set my mind to, as anyone else can, too. however, what i’m NOT done and what i will never be done with is trying. i will always try because the only true failure is when you stop trying. 🙂

  63. I am done with people who make fun of other fsor being ‘fat’. Being ‘fat’ doesn’t make you different than any other person. You may different on the outside, biu on the inside, we are all the same. You shouldn’t be put down for what you look like; you should be proud of who you are. And no one should be able to take your pride away from you.

  64. I am done with trying to look perfect. Ack! It sounds so dumb, I know, but I used to wake up two hours earlier every morning to get my hair/outfit/makeup looking perfect…..and I used to be so insecure about my appearance. But I was with my bf the other day, and he caught me on one of those few, rare days I had nothing on, and he told me that I looked pretty. It’s not like him saying that was the OMG, but it was me seeing myself and thinking so too. I skin was kinda breaking out, but I was feeling really good that day, was all smiles, and that’s awesome. I don’t judge people based on their appearance, so why would I worry about others judging me? No one cares! It’s ME, like the INSIDE me, that counts. People always said so, and I believed it, but I never thought it applied to me till now.

    And I love your scarf! So colorful and cute!

  65. Done with tumblr. Unfortunately, it takes up way too much of my time. Its been 2 days since I’ve stopped using it and I’m actually okay with it. Hopefully I’ll stick with not using it from now on.

  66. I’m done letting the issues and stressors in my life get the best of me. I’m not going to let the stress get to me anymore. I’m going to stand strong and keep my goal in sight and go for it with with clear eyes and a full heart.

  67. I am DONE with caring about what other people think. I’ve always cared too much, and I learned from my 5-year old, that it’s pointless. What a great lesson and only a toddler could have made it click for me.


  68. I’m done with people who are so judgemental its not even funny, yet they will not turn around and take a look at their own life. I am also done with trying to be perfect all the time. I am finally realizing a few flaws are ok. I am also done with the feeling that I am not worth it, or that my feelings are irrelevant. Obviously I wasn’t put here for nothing.

  69. Done with “friends” who never call back or when they do just complain about how busy they are and never actually spend time with you. I’m worth more than that! 🙂

  70. When i hear this question, a million and one things go through my head. But I was finally able to catch one. I’m done with making other people happy before myself. I guess I felt as if i do so much for other people, but it never works out for me. No matter how hard I tried, I ALWAYS put other people before me and i forgot how to live my own life. Whenever something wrong happens, I would always think ‘why me, I try never to be mean… but no one cares’. I’m happy to say I’m over that. I now look for the people who care for me as much as I care for them…

  71. I’m done with letting injustice make me believe things that aren’t true. I’m done with with thinking the situation is hopeless and that impending doom is a reality. Booyah

  72. I am currently a fourth grade teacher, and I’m done with negative, petty teachers who should be teaching the future positive, life-long lessons. Our kids deserve the best…and I’m doing my best to give them that. 🙂

  73. I am done with guys that lie and manipulate. I’m done with judgemental and overcritical people who think they know all there is to know about me. And I’m done with sadness and loneliness. I’m done with putting up walls andblocking people from seeing the real me. Most importantly, Im done with letting others thoughts make me feel insecure.

  74. Im DONE with my ex bf. I thought he
    was great until i realized how selfish he was. Everything was and still is about him. So im done with him and his selfishness.

  75. I’m done with trying to please others. It’s not worth it if I can’t be happy. No matter how much I tried there was always a new challenge in my way that I had to try and please my family with. Most of the time even if I did the best possible it just wasn’t good enough. So I’m done trying to satisfy them. I’m gonna stay focused on what I wanna do and what makes me happy. There’s no reason for me to meet up with my family’s expectations. They should be proud of me no matter what.

  76. I’m DONE with people that are trying to control MY life! I want to be in the Film Industry not a teacher! And I want a Tattoo! ❤

  77. I am DONE with people telling me that I’m too young to be going after the guy I want, just because he’s in the Navy and I’m still in high-school. I am also DONE with whiny people in my life, because there isn’t a reason to whine when you’re alive.

    What I’m not DONE with? Susane Colasanti’s books ❤

  78. Im done with trying to act like everything is ok when i know what people are doing is completly wrong and im done taking crap from people and being annoyed by people.

  79. I am DONE with being the kind of person who is trying to popular and something their not. I am me and I can decide what kind of morals I need for me. I don’t need the popularity lable.

    I just wanted to add the following: I LOVE you’re books and you are one of the authors that contributes to my LOVE of reading and my dream to someday be an author just like you. ❤ Thanks for being so inspiring by just being you and giving me and the rest of the world some stories that have some relation to you and your life. I hope someday to be one of the authors that inspire.

    Thanks again! ❤

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