paperback birthday

Thanks for all of your sweet birthday wishes! It’s been a super fun, chill, refreshing day so far. The day started out dark and rainy, but the rain only made this day better. I rocked my big yellow How I Met Your Mother umbrella. I had my post-op appointment where my doctor gave me the green light to go back to the gym tonight. Cannot wait to return to Zumba! And lifting. And abs. I’ve been feeling like a marshmallow. A puffy, lazy marshmallow. It will be good to dance with my girls again.

While I was on the Upper West earlier, I walked along Central Park West. That’s always a Zen walk for me. I stopped by Strawberry Fields and connected with the Imagine mosaic. Just something I like to do on reflective days for perspective. Then I went to Barnes & Noble to sign copies of So Much Closer. It’s out in paperback today! You can read a synopsis and reviews of the book, plus find ordering links here. And there’s still time to enter my contest to win a signed copy here.

The paperback edition has bonus material like Q&A, a playlist, and my inspiration for writing the book. For those of you wondering where I get my ideas, I shared my inspiration for So Much Closer in this video:

And here’s the adorable book trailer:

Wishing you a May filled with light, love, and happy times.

14 thoughts on “paperback birthday

  1. I love the videos! And I love the “Knowing.” That is how I live my life now. I had the knowing I belonged in Chicago and I’m here for grad school. I have the knowing that I belong in Colorado some day and I plan to make that happen too. And I have the knowing I will meet someone some day who is right for me.

    Thanks for your amazing books and happy birthday!

  2. So glad you had the wonderful birthday you deserve! You and your books inspire me in so many ways. Can’t wait to keep reading. Much love!

  3. The KNOWING is great. It’s like, I don’t know ANYTHING else, but I know I belong in yoga teacher training now, just because of how everything is working out and falling into place as I progress through it. And just closing my eyes and going for it…. it’s so rewarding!

    I saw the paperback So Much Closer at Anderson’s yesterday. 🙂 It looks great!
